Karen M Miller
Oil Painting, Watercolor Painting, Photography
ms_kmiller@yahoo.com (815) 444-0661
Painting is a powerful form of self-expression using color and subject matter.
I enjoy themes that tell a story, and I’m drawn to muted tones. My canvas is like a blackboard, meaning I can erase and start over until I see something appealing, many times the “oops” are the best and I keep them.
I feel success, when I trigger your feelings and emotions.
My tools consist of all size brushes, palette knifes and rags, what is interesting, many times I get the best results with my fingers and smearing, I’m a messy artist.
I’ve experimented with oils and acrylics; currently, I’m working in watercolor, gouache which are definitely easier to cleanup, but very challenging.
I am influenced by vintage artists and their paintings.
Karen M Miller